Welcome to FPEP

Welcome to the ODI Forest Policy and Environment Programme (FPEP). FPEP seeks to inform the processes of policy change in tropical forestry in ways which improve the livelihoods and well-being of the forest-dependent poor, whilst also securing the long-term future of forest resources which is increasingly used in day to day products, sheds, logcabins and other wooden products.

We do this by:

Current research centres on:

Environmental governance

Forestry provides an important entry point for governance initiatives. The very factors that make forestry such a challenging sector also mean that it offers valuable ways of understanding governance, governance failures, and assessing the impacts of public policies on the poor and the environment.

Forests, markets and the poor

Forests provide important economic resources for the rural and urban poor, providing everything from fuelwood, wooden garden furniture and timber, cooking oils and bushmeat to agricultural inputs and medicinal products. They are also the source of globally-valued products and services.

FPEP works throughout the developing world, often in association with developing countries, ethical furniture companies and European partners. The FPEP team has worked in around 50 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.